A paragraph of introduction text relating to this route.
Estimated walking time
5 Hours
Estimated running time
2.5 Hours
Estimated cycling time
1.5 Hours
Book/Chapter/Verse - TBA
Book or Sub Heading - TBA
Community Garden
"Key scriptural text to be added"
Book/Chapter/Verse - TBA
Book or Sub Heading - TBA
Underpass & Bridge
"Key scriptural text to be added"
Book/Chapter/Verse - TBA
Book or Sub Heading - TBA
The Nuffield Clinic
"Key scriptural text to be added"
Book/Chapter/Verse - TBA
Book or Sub Heading - TBA
Yearsley Swimming Pool
"Key scriptural text to be added"
Book/Chapter/Verse - TBA
Book or Sub Heading - TBA
Bowling Green
"Key scriptural text to be added"
Book/Chapter/Verse - TBA
Book or Sub Heading - TBA
Northfields Sports Complex
"Key scriptural text to be added"
Book/Chapter/Verse - TBA
Book or Sub Heading - TBA
Earswick Folk Centre
"Key scriptural text to be added"
Book/Chapter/Verse - TBA
Book or Sub Heading - TBA
Earswick Shops & Basketball Court
"Key scriptural text to be added"
Book/Chapter/Verse - TBA
Book or Sub Heading - TBA
Rowntree School & Sport Centre
"Key scriptural text to be added"